Conference Day 1


Public/Private panel debate

Discussion led by: Liama Nomeikaite (LT/NO)




Viktor Gjengaar (Director of Urban Samtidskunst in Oslo)
Eric Ness Christiansen (Graffiti artist, curator of UGANGprosjektet in Drammen)
Arne Vilhelm Tellefsen (Curator of KRS Gadekunstlaug in Kristiansand)
Linda Kristiansen (Curator of UpNorth Festival in Bodø, Northern Norway)
Cathrine Grasdal (Planner, Hordaland County Municipality)


The aim of this panel is to facilitate a discussion on the challenges and opportunities faced by street art curators and artist-practitioners in Norway, and different modes of working with an art form that is, by its nature, resistant to order. The panel hopes to address a number of issues, asking how street art can be curated, how it is being done in Norway, and exploring the points of resistance.


Click here to book tickets.

2017 — Design by Studio Bergini — Code by Tortuga Labs